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- Living microrobots made from algae were weaponized to help fight tumors by improving the effectiveness of cancer therapies.
- Hallmark cancer gene regulates RNA 'dark matter'. Novel findings are a promising step in the development of new tests for cancer early detection (Read more)
- Millions of living cardiomyocyte cells were acoustically assembled into hybrid biorobots by Utkan Demirci and co-workers at the canary center
- Canary Crest Program had a fantastic poster day. Congrats to all our trainees!
- Living optical fibers expand the use of photonics for bioengineering
- Heart cells speak a common language with different accents Congratulations to the published paper on the atlas of exosomal miRNAs secreted from cardiac iPSCs
- This wearable patch can be attached to any protector mask and collect airborne viruses from breath for further diagnosis
- Wearable Collector for Noninvasive Sampling of SARS-CoV-2 from Exhaled Breath for Rapid Detection. We designed a low-cost widely applicable non-invasive sampling way for Covid-19 detection.
- Prima Dewi Sinawang, MS receives Cancer Imaging and Early Detection Program Award, which fosters research at the interface of two CID labs and introduces the next generation of scientists to the field of cancer imaging research. Project: Blood Biomarkers for Chemotherapy-Induced Brain Damage in Pediatric Cancer Survivors. Host labs: Utkan Demirci, PhD; Kathy Ferrara, PhD; Lucia Baratto, MD; Heike Daldrup-Link, MD.
- Progress and challenges in biomarker enrichment for cancer early detection.
- Mitochondria-rich EVs rescue patient-specific iPSC-CMs from doxorubicin injury.
- "Exosomes have been identified to hold exceptional value in clinical diagnostics and tumor therapy." SPARK scholar Utkan Demirci reviews microfluidic strategy for exosome isolation and exosome-based drug delivery for tumor therapy
- Researchers Play Critical Role to Create Sperm-Sorting Device That Could Improve IVF Success
- A living, artificial micromotor built from macrophages and magnetic nanoparticles was functionalized to remove targets, like toxic metals, from biological fluids such as plasma and diluted blood
- Stanford_ChEMH Postdocs at the Interface Grant Awardees Mark Chandy, MD, PhD, June-Wha Rhee, MD and Mehmet Ozen, PhD and co-senior authors Edward Lau, PhD, Utkan Demirci, PhD and Joseph C. Wu, MD, PhD create "an interactive exosomal microRNA atlas of different cardiac lineages that has application in stem cell biology, regenerative medicine & disease biomarker discovery.” (Read more)
- Our latest work on Engineering the Interaction Dynamics between Nano‐Topographical Immunocyte‐Templated Micromotors
- Our new open access review on the use of Medical Micro/Nanorobots in Precision Medicine
- Our new paper aims to facilitate forensic processing of rape kits using microfluidics, cell phone imaging and image recognition algorithms
- A locomotion strategy to guide the formation and operation of multiple cellular robots in response to a common acoustic stimulus.
- Congrats to Dr. Fernando Soto for the NIH SMIS postdoctoral fellowship!
- Congrats to the NIH Canary Crest program intern Mehmet Giray for getting accepted into the prestigious Stanford EE PhD program!
- For The First Time, Human Cartilage Has Been Engineered in Space (@ Sciencealert)
- Astronomer bioengineered human cartilage in space: One giant leap for science (@ TECH EXPLORIST)
- Astronaut Bioengineers Human Cartilage in Space Using Magnetic Fields: One small step for cells, one giant leap for science (@ IEEE Spectrum)
- How to put neurons into cages
- Cost-effect metasurface fabrication with DVD-templated approach for biosensing
- Multiple cellular robots in response to a common acoustic stimulus
- 2019 Early Detection of Cancer! #EDxConf19 talk
- Welcome speech for Canary Crest interns
- Workshop presentation on Translational Science in Musculoskeletal Disorders
- New Method for Differential Extraction of Sperm in Forensic Cases
- Art or science? Using acoustics
- Canary Crest program 2018 as a mentor
- Acoustic manipulation of what material?
- Biomanufacturing in Zero-G
- Separating the weak from the strong: New device sorts sperm
- Flexible Substrate-Based Devices for Point-of-Care Diagnostics
- Scientists develop new HIV diagnostic device
- Inexpensive Innovation: Biosensing Platform Diagnoses Disease Remotely
- This Materials Innovation Could Enable Cheap Tests for Pathogens
- Novel biosensing platform could remotely determine treatment options for HIV, E-coli
- New accessory can facilitate your smartphone in diagnosing HIV
- Sorting Cells Through Levitation
- Potential point-of-care diagnostic platform (Highlights in EurekAlert – Science AAAS) (2015).
- A New Platform for Point-of-Care Diagnostics? (Highlights in Optics&Photonics News) (2015).
- Universelle Diagnostik: Ein Bluttest für alles (Highlights in Deutschlandfunk) (2015).
- Smarter, Cheaper Technologies Offer Improved Point-of-care Medicine (Highlights in NIH – National Institue of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering) (2015).
- New HIV Test May Improve Point-of-care Medicine in Remote Regions (Highlights in Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA)) (2015).
- New Biosensing Platform to be used in Disease Detection (Highlights in Dartmouth University)
- Paper and Phones Could Soon Diagnose Ebola and HIV for $1 (Highlights in Newsweek) (Highlights in MSN News) (2015).
- Biosensing Films and Smartphones Let Doctors Diagnose Disease from Anywhere (Highlights in Popular Science) (2015).
- Bientôt un diagnostic médical avec son smartphone (Highlights in Futura Sciences) (2015).
- Novel Biosensing Platform Could Remotely Diagnose Disease And Monitor Treatment (Highlights in Device Space) (2015).
- Smarter, cheaper technologies for improved point-of-care medicine in remote areas (Highlights in Kurzweil Accelerating Intelligence) (2015).
- App may detect bacterial infections (TV news in WPLG TV, an affiliate of ABC News) (2015).
- Un sistema permite diagnosticar enfermedades por el cellular (Highlights in Investigacion y Desarrollo) (2015).
- Smartphone accessory puts HIV diagnosis in doctors' pockets (Highlights in Engadget) (2015).
- Cell Phone App Detects Bacteria and Infectious Diseases (Highlights in HCP Live) (2015).
- New Biosensing Platform Could Quickly and Accurately Diagnose Disease and Monitor Treatment Remotely (Highlights in Florida Atlantic University) (2015).
- Smart phone diagnosis? Biosensing platform quickly and accurately diagnoses disease and monitors treatment remotely (Highlights in ScienceDaily) (2015).
- Smartphone App Detects Bacteria, Diseases (Highlights in Product, Design & Development) (Highlights in Nature World News) (2015).
- Novel biosensing platform could remotely determine treatment options for HIV, E-coli (Highlights in News- Medical Net) (2015)
- A new micro-robotic technique for 3D-printing tissues (Kurzweil Accelerating Intelligent)
- Bioprinting for stem cell research paper in Trends in Biotechnology (TIBTECH) was chosen by the TIBTECH Editorial Board as one of the Top Ten articles of 2013. 02/13/2014
- Advancement in 3D Printing Technology (
- Micro-robots to Precisely Construct Human Organs
- Nanomechanical motion of Escherichia coli adhered to a surface – (Highlights in Canary Center at Stanford Newsletter) (2014).
- And so they beat on, flagella against the cantilever – (Highlights in American Institute of Physics) (Highlights in (Highlights in EurekAlert – Science AAAS) (Highlights in ScienceDaily) (Highlights in Kurzweil Accelerating Intelligence) (2014).\
- It’s flagella against the Cantilever for the fate of bacteria – (Highlights in Boston University) (Highlights in Science 2.0) (2014).
- Palo Alto Weekly - Stoking a passion for science (Cover) (2014).
- Bioprinting for stem cell research paper is one of the most read papers in Cell press. 04/16/2013
- 3D-Printed Human Embryonic Stem Cells Created for First Time 02/05/2013
- Epilepsy Foundation Announces $100,000 “Shark Tank” Prize Winner For Most Innovative Idea For People With Seizures
- The Winner of the $100,000 Bright Futures Prize is Utkan Demirci, PhD (BWH research day)
- Young Scientist Profile: Conversation with Utkan Demirci (TASSA)
- Finding the fastest sperm to help increase IVF success
- 2013 Shark Tank Winner: Disposable Microfluidic Chip (Epilepsy Talk Radio)
- 7 Cool Uses of 3D Printing in Medicine
- Demirci and Schachter Receive Top Prize at Annual Drug Device Conference (BWH Clinical and Research News)
- Disposable Chips to Detect Antiepileptic Drug Serum Concentrations at the Point of Care using Nanoplasmonic Platform – Brigham & Women’s Hospital, BRIght Future Prize (Highlights in Nature Medicine) (Highlights in Brigham & Women’s Hospital) (2013).
- Precisely Engineering 3D Brain Tissues (Hurriyet) 12/05/2012
- Precisely Engineering 3D Brain Tissues (MIT News) 11/30/2012
- Biomedical Engineers Grow 3D Brain Tissue in Lab (Wired News) 11/30/2012
- Precisely Engineering 3D Brain Tissues (Science Daily) 11/29/2012
- IEEE-EMBS Early Career Achievement Award 4/23/2012
- MIT News at Noon with Burcu Erkmen (MIT News)
- MIT and Harvard researchers create 3D brain tissues in petri disk (
- MIM 2012: Utkan Demirci Ph. D., Nanoscale and Microfluidic Technologies in Medical Lab-Chip Devices (Society of Turkish American Architects, Engineers and Scientists)
- Bioengineer Utkan Demirci on interdisciplinary research (MIT Review)
- Cell Phone-Based Imaging Technique to Read ELISA Results 9/06/2011
- First Place in IEEE-EMBS Wyss Awards for Translational Research 9/03/2011
- Research Highlights in Lab On A Chip 9/01/2011
- Research Highlights in Nature Photonics 8/30/2011
- Military Medical Panel Reviews New Devices for Rapid Identification of Infection or Disease in War Fighters (U.S. Army Medical Department) 7/13/2011
- Military Medical Panel Reviews New Devices for Rapid Identification of Infection or Disease in War Fighters (U.S. Army) 7/13/2011
- New technique advances bioprinting of cells (Science Daily) 7/5/2011
- New technique advances bioprinting of cells (EurekAlert) 7/1/2011
- Disposable AIDS Diagnosis 2/11/2011
- EMBC 2011-Workshop – Biological Micro Electro Mechanical Systems ( Bio-Mems) : Fundamentals and Applications
- Utkan Demirci : Disposable AIDS Diagnosis (
- Turkish Scientist develops microchip for fast HIV diagnosis (Hurriyet Daily)
- New Technique Advancing Bioprinting of Cells (
- The Bio-Inkjet Printer For New Body Parts (
- Better bioprinting with Stem Cells (Kurzweil Accelerating Intelligence )
- Turkish Scientist’s discoveries draw world’s attention (
- Microchip-Based Point of Care (POC) Technologies To Measure HIV-1 Viral Load Information (
- New technique advances bioprinting of cells (
- Study Improves Stem Cells Bioprinting Technology (Softpedia)
- Microfluidics Doesn't Shock Cells 6/25/2010
- Flash cooling holds promise for egg storage 3/24/2010
- New Cell Printing Approach Enables Precise Design of Complex 3-D Tissue Structures 3/9/2010
- Flash-Freezing Technique May Boost Egg Survival Rates 2/26/2010
- Way to Improve Cryopreservation Developed 2/25/2010
- Researchers Identify a Means of Improving the Cryopreservation of Biological Materials 2/22/2010
- A Cryopreservation Microchip
- New cell printing approach enables precise design of complex 3-D tissue structures (research highlight in Biotechniques)
- Flash-Freezing Technique May Boost Egg Survival Rates (
- Way to improve cryopreservation developed (Science News)
- JCI Ten Outstanding Young Persons of the World (JCI TOYP) Honoree Dr. Utkan Demirci
- Dr. Demirci’s award from Epilepsy Foundation (
- Interview with Dr. Demirci (
- Disposable, Point-of-Care Microchips for CD4 Counts in Resource Limited Settings (Center for Integration of Medicine & Innovative Technology (CIMIT))
- Interview with Dr. Demirci on tissue engineering and early detection of HIV and cancer (
- Cell preservation all wrapped up (Royal Society of Chemistry)
- Biography of Dr. Utkan Demirci and his achievements (
- World’s top 35 innovators under the age of 35 (MIT Technology Review)
- Interview with Dr. Demirci (BirGun)